

The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) degree program promotes an interdisciplinary approach to graduate education by offering a diverse set of humanities and social science concentrations. This program is designed for students who want to pursue advanced understanding of the nature of societal values and ideals that influence the human condition in the context of past and present human behavior and institutions. Students are exposed to perspectives that are useful for solving real problems while deciphering major philosophical, cultural, 以及KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载周围世界的社会概念.

MALS creates an open, engaging intellectual space for full-time and part-time students from diverse backgrounds and stages of their professional lives. The 社会科学与历史学部拥有高素质、多元化的教师队伍和充满活力的校园, flexible curriculum enable students to think and analyze information on a deeper and broader level.




Credit Hours


Unique Concentrations

Online at DSU?

The Liberal Studies master’s program at DSU is extremely flexible and offers a unique combination of courses for students interested in a variety of fields. Each concentration offers room for plenty of elective courses within the main discipline and outside of the discipline. 我们使学生的分析能力增强, critical thinking, writing, and research skills along with providing a strong foundation in content knowledge through our various disciplines. 在这个日益流动和全球化的时代,人们多次更换职业, 这些核心的发展, 可转移的技能和知识是至关重要和有价值的.

  • 全年接受申请
  • Flexible enrollment
  • Personal advising
  • Diverse concentrations
  • Optional thesis
  • An interdisciplinary approach
  • 开放和吸引人的智力话题
  • 发展智力技能和知识



Community Development

The 社区发展集中度 offers students a depth of courses that will strengthen knowledge of the key sociological concepts that are foundational to the field of community development. 除了学习社会学和社区发展的核心课程, 学生将学习定量和定性研究方法的课程. 本课程专为社区发展实践者而设, 公共和私营部门的雇员, and those seeking to advance to a doctoral program in the social sciences or other fields. Completion of this concentration will enable one to teach sociology at the undergraduate level.



The English concentration 提供文学、创意写作和文学方法方面的各种课程. 学生将接触到不同的作家、观点和方法. 该课程专为各种背景的作家设计, adult learners, 以及那些寻求进入英语或其他领域的博士课程的人. Completion of this concentration will enable one to teach English at the undergraduate level.



The History concentration 介绍了广泛的课程在美国.S. and world history with a special emphasis on the history and culture of the Mississippi Delta and the American South. Students will expand their knowledge of key historical developments and periods while engaging with various forms of historical interpretation, methods, and communication. This concentration is designed for those interested in history at the levels of academic scholarship and public forms of history such as libraries, archives, and museums. It is also targeted toward adult learners and those seeking to advance to a doctoral program in History or other fields. Completion of this concentration will enable one to teach History at the undergraduate level.


Interdisciplinary Studies

The 跨学科研究方向 allows students, especially adult learners, 根据自己的兴趣和目标构建自己的研究生学习计划. 这种专注并不局限于一门学科. Students can use this concentration to venture into as many different disciplines as possible within the 30-hour framework. Interdisciplinary Studies is most beneficial to those seeking a graduate degree to satisfy personal enrichment and/or professional requirements of completing a master’s degree.

What Can I Do with a Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies? 

Graduates who earned the Liberal Studies master’s degree have gone on to a wide range of careers. Students in this program have also found the MALS degree to be a valuable degree as they seek further education via law school, doctoral programs, 以及其他形式的研究生学习. The skills developed in our program prepares graduates for many academic and professional opportunities either inside or outside of their MALS disciplinary concentrations. 下面是一些毕业生可以从事的职业. 

  • Academic advisor
  • Attorney
  • College instructor
  • 通讯及市场总监
  • Data analyst
  • Freelance writer 
  • Journalist
  • Librarian
  • P-12 teacher
  • Prison education coordinator
  • 政务政策倡导者
  • Workforce development coordinator 

The MALS program at Delta State has played a pivotal role in my personal and professional growth. As a student, the program challenged me to explore inclusive narratives derived from diverse viewpoints rather than conventional accounts. Most importantly, 这个项目锻炼了我的批判性思维和研究能力, 哪些在我的职业生涯中是不可或缺的.



KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载,我们理解负担得起的教育的重要性. 虽然我们目前没有专门为我们的MALS项目提供奖学金, 我们确实为州外学生提供负担得起的学费,不收取额外费用. In addition, we work closely with students to identify and apply for federal and state financial aid programs, 还有学生贷款和国家奖学金. We are committed to providing our students with all of the tools necessary to succeed in business within multiple industries, 包括获得负担得起的教育和财政支持.

Program Goals

Regardless of concentration, 文科硕士课程旨在实现以下目标. Students will develop an understanding of various disciplinary perspectives and incorporate those perspectives into research and other projects. While pursuing a diverse, 跨学科研究项目, MALS毕业生将理解和应用关键术语, concepts, 以及他们学科集中的方法. MALS毕业生将应用这些术语, concepts, and methods of their respective discipline to writing assignments and research papers that will prepare them for a thesis or comprehensive exams. 通过论文或综合考试, MALS graduates will demonstrate an ability to research and write in a fashion that engages both their core discipline and the broader interdisciplinary perspectives they have encountered in the program. 


Admission Requirements

本课程的申请人必须符合KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的毕业生 admission requirements.


Applicants with less than a 3.0 undergraduate GPA must: 

  1. Submit a resume and a list of three references from professors and/or employers familiar with the applicant’s academic or professional work.
  2. 提交一份个人陈述/短文.


The following courses are required to complete the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies with a select concentration.

Community Development

Course Number Course Title Credits
GLS 600 Seminar in Liberal Studies 3
COD 521 Sustainable Development 3
COD 575 社会组织与变革 3
COD 600 Community Development 3
SSC 570 Methods of Social Research 3
SSC 669 定量研究与统计 3
Electives 12
Thesis Option. COD 699: Thesis (3-6), or SOC 699: Thesis (6), and


Course Number Course Title Credits
GLS 600 Seminar in Liberal Studies 3
ENG 601 Methods for Literary Research 3
Electives 24
Thesis Option. ENG 690: Thesis (6) and


Course Number Course Title Credits
GLS 600 Seminar in Liberal Studies 3
HIS 500 史学与历史哲学 3
HIS 632 密西西比河三角洲历史研讨会 3
Electives 21
Thesis Option. HIS 690: Thesis (6) and

Interdisciplinary Studies

Course Number Course Title Credits
GLS 600 Seminar in Liberal Studies 3
Electives: Elective hours for the Interdisciplinary Studies track can come from any academic unit in the University.  21
GLS 690 Thesis 6

Degree Requirements


  1. 满足KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载研究生学位的一般要求. 
  2. 完成研究生工作,包括指定的核心课程和选修时数. 
  3. 在GLS 600中获得最低B的成绩. 
  4. Pass an oral and/or written comprehensive exam administered by a committee appointed by the MALS coordinator. 论文选项(需要导师批准):成功完成论文, 该学生免参加综合考试。. 



Liberal Studies Resources

Roberts-LaForge Library

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的大量信息中学习, educational, 以及为学生服务的研究型资源, faculty, staff, and the regional community.

Capps Archives and Museum

Explore Delta State’s official repository for all University related institutional memory and the history of the Mississippi Delta.

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