currently enrolled
international retention rate
countries represented

International Students

For international admissions information please contact:

International Student Services
Division of Student Success Center

Admissions Deadlines:

Application Deadline – June 1
Documentation Deadline – July 1

Application Deadline – October 15
Documentation Deadline – November 15

Apply for Undergraduate Admission

Apply Now

Apply for Graduate Admission

Apply Now

For Additional Required Documentation, See Below.

See Below


Delta State University welcomes international students to the Mississippi Delta. Whether you are pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree, we have the right academic program for you. Our goal in International Student Services, a Division of the Student Success Center, is to be a home away from home for our international student body.

Our international advisors help you receive one-on-one assistance, 从申请和注册过程的一开始就提供指导和建议, throughout your time at Delta State, and post-graduation. Delta State University is a public institution with multiple degree programs. Undergraduate programs provide educational opportunities in the Arts and Sciences, Business, Education/Human Sciences, and Nursing. Graduate and Continuing Studies programs include options at the masters, educational specialist, 和博士水平,提供先进的培训,在广泛的学科.

As you connect with Delta State’s International Student Services, 你会发现为什么这么多学生选择把KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载作为他们的家外之家. Click here to learn more about International Student Services.

Request for Information

How do you classify?

Undergraduate Freshman


Undergraduate Transfer

Students who have earned some college credit from another college or university.




1. Non-U.S. Transcript Evaluation

Please see the specific academic program website for a full list of program specific requirements, such as: GPA/required undergraduate courses, resume.  请注意,“传统项目”是唯一有资格获得F1签证批准的研究生水平项目.

Please request that an official/complete SpanTran, WES, or ECE transcript evaluation for each previously attended non-U.S. 学校/大学直接提交给KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载国际学生服务中心.

Spantran – Students using our SpanTran portal receive a discount.

  • Type of evaluation needed
    • High school transcript evaluation – “document-by-document”
    • Non-U.S. university transcript evaluation – “course-by-course”

Request Evaluation >>  Spantran

    • If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended.

WES Evaluations

  • Type of evaluation needed
    • High school transcript evaluation – “general with grade average”
    • Non-U.S. university transcript evaluation – “course-by-course”
  • Request evaluation >> WES Link Here
    • If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended.

ECE Evaluations

  • Type of evaluation needed
    • High school transcript evaluation – “general with grade average”
    • Non-U.S. university transcript evaluation – “course-by-course”
  • Request evaluation >> ECE Link Here
    • If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended.

2. U.S. Transcript

If you have attended a U.S. university or college, 请要求将正式/最终成绩单以电子方式通过ESCRIPT或从以前的大学邮寄到三角洲州国际学生服务中心:

Missey Hudson
Coordinator of International Student Services/PDSO
Division of Student Success Center
Delta State University, Union 308
1003 W Sunflower Road
DSU Box 3232
Cleveland, MS 38733

3. Official ACT or SAT Score Report


School code for needed for testing centers:

  • SAT = 1163
  • ACT = 002190

Minimum score requirements:

An SAT or ACT score report is required for:

  • Freshman
  • Transfer from a U.S. university that have not completed all 30 semester hours listed below
    • 6 hours – English Composition
    • 3 hours – College Algebra (or higher math)
    • 6 hours – Laboratory Science
    • 6 hours – Behavioral Science
    • 9 hours – Transferable Academic Electives

An SAT or ACT score is waived for:

  • Transfer from U.S. university with all 30 semester hours listed above and 2.0 (or above) cumulative GPA.
  • Transfer from non-U.S. university with a minimum of one academic year of study with a 2.0 (or above) cumulative GPA.

4. English Language Proficiency Test

官方托福或雅思成绩报告需要从考试中心提交给KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载, International Student Services.


  • Minimum scores accepted:
    • Internet based testing – 70
    • Paper based testing – 525
    • Computer based testing – 196
  • Request score report >>



English language proficiency tests are required for:

  • Freshman or international transfer students from Non-English speaking countries.
  • 没有完成30个学时要求的转学生.S. university.

English language proficiency tests are waived for:

  • 来自英语国家的学生,可以提供高中的官方高级证书或官方信件,说明教育主要以英语完成.
  • 在美国完成30学时转学要求的学生.S. university.

5. Medical Requirements

DSU要求所有国际申请者提交麻疹免疫接种证明, mumps, and rubella (MMR 1 & 2), 随附官方肺结核胸部x光片报告,表明申请人没有任何肺结核迹象, prior to receiving university acceptance or creation of the I-20.

除了MMR 1外,体育申请者还需要提交镰状细胞血液测试 & 2 and TB documentation.  The sickle cell blood test report will not hinder acceptance or creation of the I-20.

Please see below for more information.

MMR 1 & 2 immunization record

  • Must indicate you have completed two vaccinations for each of the following: measles, mumps, and rubella.
  • Record must be signed/dated by the doctor and translated into English.
  • Verification of two MMR疫苗接种必须提交给大学接受并创建I-20.

TB Chest X-ray

  • X-ray report must clearly indicate each of the following and be dated within 1 year of program start date:
    • Applicant’s name
    • 检测结果:“结核迹象阳性”(显示有结核迹象)或“结核迹象阴性”(未显示有结核迹象)
    • Doctor’s name (typed) and handwritten signature
    • Be on official medical facility’s letterhead
    • Be translated in English
  • Must be submitted for university acceptance and creation of I-20.

6. Affidavit of Financial Support

Download Affidavit of Financial Support

  • 财务支持宣誓书第一页底部列出了一个学年的估计财务明细.
  • Applicant will need to fill out page 1/sign bottom of page 2.
  • 无论谁同意为申请人在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载就读期间承担经济责任,都需要填写第2页的担保人部分.
    • Can have up to 2 financial sponsors.
  • 即使申请人计划获得奖学金或其他经济援助,也需要这样做.

7. Financial Bank Statement

  • 这将需要一个正式的银行对账单,无论谁完成财政支持声明的财政赞助商部分.
  • The statement meet all of the following requirements:
    • Show account owner (sponsor) & bank/financial institution’s name and address
    • 显示最低可用帐户余额等于/大于协议赞助金额.
    • Be current within the 6 months of DSU program start date
    • Must be signed, stamped, and dated by an official bank representative
    • Clearly list type of currency being used
  • 这将需要提交,可用帐户余额必须等于/大于约定的赞助金额, even if applicant plans to receive scholarship or other financial assistance.

8. Housing

Undergraduate Housing

  • Freshmen – Required (unless 21+ years old) for two years of enrollment/completion of 60 credit hours.
  • Transfer with less than 60 university credit hours – Required (unless 21+ years old) for first year of enrollment/completion of 60 credit hours.
  • Transfer with 60 or more credit hours – Optional but strongly suggested 入学的第一年要有时间熟悉城镇/社区, view/compare rental property in person before signing lease, and/or meet potential roommate(s) to reduce cost of off-campus housing expenses.

9. International Dorm Kit

International Student Services strongly suggests that all new international students who plan to live on campus purchase an International Dorm Kit so they have the following items readily available upon arrival to campus.  

  • Twin Sheet Set (1 flat/1 fitted sheet) 
  • Lightweight Blanket 
  • Standard Pillow 
  • Bath Towel 
  • Hand Towel 
  • Wash Cloth 
  • Small Laundry Basket 
  • Toilet Paper 

DSU国际学生服务中心将在新生迎新期间前往沃尔玛,以便新生可以 purchase school supplies, food/snacks, personal items, etc. However, this Walmart trip is scheduled 1-2 days after students arrive on campus for orientation. Therefore, students living on campus who have not pre-purchase在到达校园几天后,宿舍工具包可能无法购买上面列出的物品.

Download the dorm kit form.

10. International Student Insurance

DSU要求所有国际学生参加DSU的国际学生健康保险. 学生被录取后自动注册,并在整个注册期间续签. Coverage begins on the program start date (first day of classes), is set up in 6 month increments (August 1 – January 31, February 1 – July 31), 并且在毕业期间每学期自动续签.

If you begin enrollment with DSU during the spring semester, your 1st 保险支付金额可能会超过你的经济支持声明中显示的金额,因为你需要额外一个月(1月)的保险。.

Please see our International Insurance Summary of Benefits to see a list of services that will be covered by the group policy. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅DSU批准的国际学生保险 website.


1. Non-U.S. Transcript Evaluation

Please see the specific academic program website for a full list of program specific requirements, such as: GPA/required undergraduate courses, resume.  请注意,“传统项目”是唯一有资格获得F1签证批准的研究生水平项目.

Please request that an official/complete SpanTran, WES, or ECE transcript evaluation for each previously attended non-U.S. 学校/大学直接提交给KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载国际学生服务中心.

SpanTran- Students using our SpanTran portal receive a discount.

  • Type of evaluation needed – “course-by-course”
  • Request Evaluation >>  Spantran
    • If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended.

WES Evaluations

  • Type of evaluation needed – “course-by-course”
  • Request evaluation >> WES Link Here
    • If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended.

ECE Evaluations

  • Type of evaluation needed – “course-by-course”
  • Request evaluation >>  ECE Link Here
    • If you have attended more than one non-U.S. university, you will need to request an evaluation for each non-U.S. university previously attended

2. U.S. Transcript

If you have attended a U.S. university or college, 请要求将正式/最终成绩单以电子方式通过ESCRIPT或从以前的大学邮寄到三角洲州国际学生服务中心:

Missey Hudson
Coordinator of International Student Services/PDSO
Division of Student Success Center
Delta State University, Union 308
1003 W Sunflower Road
DSU Box 3232
Cleveland, MS 38733

3. English Language Proficiency Test



  • Minimum scores accepted:
    • Internet based testing – 70
    • Paper based testing – 525
    • Computer based testing – 196
  • Request score report >>



English language proficiency tests are required for:

  • Freshman or international transfer students from Non-English speaking countries.
  • 没有完成30个学时要求的转学生.S. university.

English language proficiency tests are waived for:

  • 来自英语国家的学生,可以提供高中的官方高级证书或官方信件,说明教育主要以英语完成.
  • 在美国完成30学时转学要求的学生.S. university.

4. Medical Requirements

DSU要求所有国际申请者提交麻疹免疫接种证明, mumps, and rubella (MMR 1 & 2), 随附官方肺结核胸部x光片报告,表明申请人没有任何肺结核迹象, prior to receiving university acceptance or creation of the I-20.

PROOF OF IMMUNIZATION A.Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Proof of immunization of measles, mumps, and rubella is required (two doses of the MMR vaccine) of all students, unless exempt because of (a) actual or suspected pregnancy (measles or rubella vaccines are not required for females who are pregnant; if pregnancy is suspected, 在怀孕结束之前,需要健康提供者出具的有效的医疗例外证明), (b) medical contraindication, or (c) birth prior to 1957. 对于参加远程学习课程和/或项目的学生,如果其在校时间被限制在国际人道法录取机构确定的最低小时数,则可授予临时豁免. (BT Minutes, 2/2009; 3/2010; 11/2010)  B.参加可能接触血液或其他体液的健康教育项目的学生需要出示乙型肝炎疫苗接种证明. (BT Minutes, 1/93; 1/98; 2/2009; 3/2010) C.所有国际学生都需要在开始上课之前在美国进行胸部x光检查和干扰素γ释放试验(IGRA)的结核病测试证明. (BT Minutes, 1/93; 1/98; 2/2009; 3/2010; 2016

除了MMR 1外,体育申请者还需要提交镰状细胞血液测试 & 2 and TB documentation.  The sickle cell blood test report will not hinder acceptance or creation of the I-20.

Please see below for more information.

MMR 1 & 2 immunization record

  • Must indicate you have completed two vaccinations for each of the following: measles, mumps, and rubella.
  • Record must be signed/dated by the doctor and translated into English.
  • Verification of two MMR疫苗接种必须提交给大学接受并创建I-20.

TB Chest X-ray

  • X-ray report must clearly indicate each of the following and be dated within 1 year of program start date:
    • Applicant’s name
    • 检测结果:“结核迹象阳性”(显示有结核迹象)或“结核迹象阴性”(未显示有结核迹象)
    • Doctor’s name (typed) and handwritten signature
    • Be on official medical facility’s letterhead
    • Be translated in English
  • Must be submitted for university acceptance and creation of I-20.

5. Additional/Specific Academic Program Requirements

Please see the specific academic program website for a full list of program specific requirements, such as: GPA/required undergraduate courses, resume.  请注意,“传统项目”是唯一有资格获得F1签证批准的研究生水平项目.

6. Affidavit of Financial Support

Download Affidavit of Financial Support

  • 财务支持宣誓书第一页底部列出了一个学年的估计财务明细.
  • Applicant will need to fill out page 1/sign bottom of page 2.
  • 无论谁同意为申请人在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载就读期间承担经济责任,都需要填写第2页的担保人部分.
    • Can have up to 2 financial sponsors.
  • 即使申请人计划获得奖学金或其他经济援助,也需要这样做.

7. Financial Bank Statement

  • 这将需要一个正式的银行对账单,无论谁完成财政支持声明的财政赞助商部分.
  • The statement meet all of the following requirements:
    • Show account owner (sponsor) & bank/financial institution’s name and address
    • 显示最低可用帐户余额等于/大于协议赞助金额.
    • Be current within the 6 months of DSU program start date
    • Must be signed, stamped, and dated by an official bank representative
    • Clearly list type of currency being used
  • 这将需要提交,可用帐户余额必须等于/大于约定的赞助金额, even if applicant plans to receive scholarship or other financial assistance.

8. Housing

Graduate Housing

  • Optional for all graduate level international students

9. International Dorm Kit

International Student Services strongly suggests that all new international students who plan to live on campus purchase an International Dorm Kit so they have the following items readily available upon arrival to campus.  

  • Twin Sheet Set (1 flat/1 fitted sheet) 
  • Lightweight Blanket 
  • Standard Pillow 
  • Bath Towel 
  • Hand Towel 
  • Wash Cloth 
  • Small Laundry Basket 
  • Toilet Paper 

DSU国际学生服务中心将在新生迎新期间前往沃尔玛,以便新生可以 purchase school supplies, food/snacks, personal items, etc. However, this Walmart trip is scheduled 1-2 days after students arrive on campus for orientation. Therefore, students living on campus who have not pre-purchase在到达校园几天后,宿舍工具包可能无法购买上面列出的物品.

Download the dorm kit form.

10. International Student Insurance

DSU要求所有国际学生参加DSU的国际学生健康保险. 学生被录取后自动注册,并在整个注册期间续签. Coverage begins on the program start date (first day of classes), is set up in 6 month increments (August 1 – January 31, February 1 – July 31), 并且在毕业期间每学期自动续签.

If you begin enrollment with DSU during the spring semester, your 1st 保险支付金额可能会超过你的经济支持声明中显示的金额,因为你需要额外一个月(1月)的保险。.

Please see our International Insurance Summary of Benefits to see a list of services that will be covered by the group policy. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅DSU批准的国际学生保险 website.

What Do You Need For The F1 Visa Process?