Guide to Collection Development

Policies and Procedures for Liaisons

Overview and Instructions


Mission of 图书馆 Services

图书馆服务部致力于满足多样化的信息需求, educational, and 研究 needs of students, 教师, 工作人员, and regional community. 它在收购过程中保持着追求卓越的承诺, 发展, and provides access to 资源 that promote educational achievement and life-long learning.

Purpose of Policy

The purpose of the collection development policy of the Roberts-LaForge 图书馆, 包括教学资源中心, 是就遴选图书馆资料的优先次序及从馆藏中撤回资料的准则,提供原则及指引.

Community Served

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载位于克利夫兰, Mississippi, 一个位于密西西比三角洲中心的繁荣城市. The Roberts-LaForge 图书馆 is situated on the eastern edge of the campus. The 图书馆 serves students from Delta State University as well as the regional community. 罗伯特-拉弗格图书馆的主要功能是满足教师和学生对图书馆资源和服务的需求,因为这些需求与课程有关. 第二个功能是提供与一般研究和信息需要有关的资源和服务, intellectual and professional growth, 文化 development, and recreational activities. In developing the collection, 图书馆的首要任务将是购买直接支持本科和研究生课程需要的材料.

“The University offers undergraduate, 研究生和继续教育课程的研究导致学士学位和硕士学位的艺术和科学学院, 业务, 教育, and the School of 护理, 以及教育专家学位和教育与护理实践博士学位. 重点放在卓越的教学上, followed by service and 研究 in the creation of a community of scholars. 特别注意小班授课, a friendly environment, and a broad liberal arts foundation, 学校鼓励师生之间的互动. 三角洲州提供促进智力发展的项目和服务, 文化, 道德, 物理, and social development. Students from different 文化, socioeconomic, and ethnic backgrounds will develop the ability to respect and evaluate the thoughts of others; to develop, 评估, and express their own thoughts effectively; and to use the techniques of 研究 and performance associated with their disciplines” (Undergraduate Catalog, 2018, p.8).

图书馆也认识到它有责任满足行政人员和工作人员的需要,并为所有用户提供一般信息和娱乐阅读. 因为教师已经认识到研究需要, library 服务, 例如馆际互借和计算机数据库检索, 会被用来协助教师进行研究吗.自然, due to the size of the University, 通过馆藏开发过程,可以更充分地实现与大校园的资源共享.

Collection Development Responsibility

收藏发展的主要责任在于KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的教师. 学术委员会将这笔钱分配给图书馆事务主任, 由谁将资金分配给选定的部门.

Each 部门 selects a member of their 教师 to be the 部门al liaison. The library likewise assigns a library liaison to work with each 部门. 教师和图书馆联络员共同努力,确保选择适当的资源,并满足所有截止日期.


A library liaison is a professional librarian that works with 部门s to select materials for the collection; serves as a point of contact for questions regarding orders, collection development, account balances, and general library inquires; and shares information about library 服务.

A 部门al liaison 是代表学术单位提交命令的教员吗, 部门, or division; and serves as the main point of contact to communicate the information and service needs of the 部门.


在现有资金的范围内,图书馆馆藏的发展和管理都以这项政策为指导. 在可能的情况下,学术委员会拨款给图书馆,用于资料的收集和处理.

虽然所有材料都是由图书馆员联络员选择和/或筛选适当的, 平台或发行商是由收购决定的. Materials are acquired through:

  • 通过学术委员会的拨款直接订购
  • Gifts/Donations
  • 政府文件存放计划
  • Free Materials
  • Memberships / Subscriptions

图书馆 Liaison Responsibilities

Working with Departments

  1. 每学期与部门联络员保持定期联系,与部门建立良好的工作关系.
  2. Keep 教师 up-to-date with changes in library 服务 such as new policies, procedures, 资源, 服务, 事件, and programs.
  3. 应要求沟通图书馆的政策和程序.
  4. 强调教师投入的重要性. 只有在他们的帮助下,图书馆才能提供最好、最合适的服务.
  5. 提醒系内教员,参考图书管理员的指导可以满足教师和学生的特殊需要.
  6. Teach 教师 how to Search the 图书馆 Catalog and other databases as requested.


  1. 转发相关选择材料(i.e. 目录、书评、期刊文章等.) to the 部门al liaison.
  2. 向部门联络员推荐职称. 对于需要帮助的部门来说,像WorldCat甚至亚马逊这样的资源都是最好的资源.
  3. Review donated items. 虽然罗伯特-拉弗吉图书馆接受很多捐赠, 并不是所有的东西都适合收藏. 图书馆员将与院系和相关教员共同确定材料的适用性.

Evaluating the Collection

  1. Evaluate portions of the general collection that relate to subject areas of your 部门. This evaluation would involve weeding irrelevant material or spotting gaps in the collection. 了解教授什么课程以及每位教员的需求是发现差距和消除差距的重要组成部分.
  2. Consult affected 部门s before withdrawing any title from the collection. 通过电子邮件将书目列表发送给图书馆服务主任和部门联络员审批.
  3. 被标记为丢失或丢失的材料将在春季学期的4月由图书馆管理部门审核. 项目将重新订购,当资金可用.

Preparing Orders

  1. Check the catalog to ensure a submitted title is not already in the collection.
  2. 如果有任何关键信息(标题), 作者, 国际标准图书编号, or price) is missing from the order, 请使用亚马逊等在线服务找到它.
  3. If the title is already owned by the library, alert the 部门al liaison.
  4. Request that 部门s prioritize the orders based on the needs of all 教师.
  5. 将订购的所有标题记录下来(最好是用Excel).
  6. Make sure that all deadlines are met.
  7. If a balance remains, please work with the 部门 to obtain more orders.
  8. If catalogs, 宣传册, 或其他印刷资料由部门联络员提供, 请随订单一起寄上.

Departmental Liaison Responsibilities

Working with 图书馆 Liaisons

  1. 保持与图书馆的联络与最新:
    • 系、教员和学生的需要
    • 新的学术项目、课程或要求
    • 需要特殊资源或服务的课堂作业
    • 与图书馆相关的部门变化
  2. 提供有关认证标准的指导方针,并通知图书馆联络员即将进行的认证审查和实地考察.


  1. Make selections based on the guidelines set forth by your accrediting agencies (e.g. ACBSP, CCNE, CAEP, etc.).
  2. 考虑根据学生图书馆的需要和系同事布置的课堂作业的性质来订购资料.
  3. Avoid placing duplicate orders by checking our holdings in the online catalog. 你的图书馆联络人可以根据你的要求告诉你Search策略.
  4. 考虑同事的研究和教学兴趣.

Evaluating the Collection

  1. 及时了解认证要求,以确保图书馆的馆藏符合标准.
  2. Make the library liaison aware of any weaknesses or gaps in the collection.
  3. Review materials marked for withdrawal and assist with weeding the collection

Preparing Orders

  1. Please submit as much as information about each title as possible (typically: title, 作者, 国际标准图书编号, 和价格). Also provide any other relevant data that may help the library identify your material.
  2. 使用收款发展表格为你的部门提交订单.

The Ordering Process

Types of Materials

  1. 部门拨款将用于购买书籍, audiovisual materials, 以及相关的教育资料,这些资料将被添加到罗伯茨-拉弗格图书馆. 大多数书都存放在罗伯特-拉弗吉图书馆, while various types of media are housed in the Instructional 资源 Center.
  2. No textbooks may be ordered, and duplicate copies of existing holdings will be ordered only in exceptional circumstances.
  3. 为了延长书的保质期,将尽可能订购精装书而不是平装书.

Submitting Orders

  1. 部门联络员应使用Excel电子表格或使用收款开发在线订单表单提交订单.
  2. If necessary, 可能需要其他信息,如联系信息或专用订单号. 如果有目录或传单,请将其包含在订单中.


  1. 部门联络员应在指定的截止日期前提交订单,以确保图书馆技术服务部有足够的时间购买和处理订单.

Notification Process

New Materials Ordered by Departments

  1. 一旦资料处理完毕,技术服务部职员会通知图书馆联络处, 编目, 并准备流通或放置在货架上(如.e. non-circulating materials).
  2. 图书馆联络员将与部门联络员联系,通知他们有新资料可用.
  3. The 部门al liaison is responsible for informing their 教师 about new materials.

Status of Materials

  1. Notify the library liaison if you need an item that is unavailable for check out. 联络人将协助您尽快拿到物品.
  2. 如果不能通过Search目录确定某一项目,请与相应的图书馆联络员联系,询问该项目的状态.

选择 and Deselection


罗伯特-拉弗格图书馆收集了用户感兴趣的所有主题的代表性材料, 包括对有争议问题的各种意见.在政治、宗教和道德领域. 任何材料不得因作者的种族或国籍或政治原因而被排除或撤回, 宗教, or moral views expressed therein. 图书馆的藏书将提供各种思想的自由交流. 图书馆不允许多数人或少数人的利益侵犯这一权利. 不会以语言的坦率为基础进行审查, or the controversial manner or un受欢迎的ity of an 作者’s point of view, or mode of expression. 图书馆赞同美国图书馆协会在其《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》中提出的政策, The Freedom to Read, 和知识自由声明,并尊重读者的智慧和能力,在没有图书馆干预的情况下,将说服与宣传和传教区分开来.


  • 当前收藏的优势和劣势
  • Demand by users
  • Authoritativeness
  • 精度
  • Recency of data
  • Adequate scope
  • Depth of coverage
  • Appropriateness
  • 相关性
  • Organization
  • Physical quality
  • Special features
  • 成本
  • 包含在主要索引和抽象服务中


  • 由KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载教师撰写的标题
  • 由KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载校友撰写的书籍
  • Material that is unusual, 有价值的, 受欢迎的, historically significant, or likely to be stolen or mutilated
  • 地理:主要与三角洲有关(如果主题可能引起当地兴趣,其他密西西比主题的书籍也可以考虑作为流通台收藏。.)
  • 主题处理:以学术为主,但一般或流行的标题将根据主题进行考虑
  • Types of materials: predominantly printed books, but also cd and other materials.
  • Autographed copies
  • Because of their potential interest, autographed copies may be added if they meet any of other criteria listed above.


Maintaining a quality academic library collection requires the removal of irrelevant, 过时的, 或者通过取消选择的过程取代材料. 这个过程的目标是提高收藏的质量,因为它涉及到教育的支持, 研究, and social mission of the University. 此外,它释放了货架空间,可以用于其他资源.

取消选择是所有参与馆藏发展的图书馆员的基本责任,并在与教师协商后完成. Given the broad scope and demanding schedule of librarians’ responsibilities, 目前的政策是断断续续地取消选择. Titles deemed too old, 脆弱的, 罕见的, or 有价值的 will be moved to the Jutta Karnstedt Ferretti Special Collections Room

Any 评估ment concerns must be address directly with the Dean of 图书馆 Services in writing. 将对该请求进行正式审查. The individual making the request will be notified of the decision in a timely manner.



根据这一政策,图书馆倾向于不购买教科书. The Collection Development Committee must be contacted for exceptions to this policy. See the Instructional 资源 Center for K-12 State 教科书 information.

Government Documents

Federal Documents KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载是一个有选择性的联邦寄存机构,接收政府出版办公室出版的约41%的项目. 这个集合的目的是补充一般集合,特别是在三角洲地区感兴趣的主题领域. The majority of the col1ection is housed in the Government Documents 部门. 微缩胶片格式的文件存放在丛书部. 收集政府文件的范围和水平遵循本政策所述的指导方针.
State Documents KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载希望通过密西西比图书馆委员会的国家寄存计划以及密西西比州国务卿办公室接收出版物. 这些出版物向公众提供国家机构的工作和调查结果的书面结果.



连载是按数字或时间顺序连续出版的出版物,并打算无限期地继续出版. 连续剧 include periodicals; newspapers; the journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc. of societies; annual reviews (i.e.在……方面的工作,在……方面的进展,在……方面的进步等.); monographic series issued under a unified title only, or issued under both unified and separate titles but classed together; and any item which is primarily an index of bibliography.

图书馆收集了各种各样的丛刊(期刊/期刊)以支持教学和研究. In addition, 获得了一组精选的一般和更受欢迎的标题,以提供学术界的普遍利益.


  • The journal is indexed or abstracted by 服务 available in the 图书馆.
  • 内容的准确性和相对客观性.
  • Frequency with which serial is cited in the literature or requested through interlibrary loan.
  • 英语材料应该得到更高的优先权, except in those areas where a foreign language is the basis for the program.
  • 不能购买多份连载书.
  • 对于没有索引或抽象的序列, 必须认真考虑主题的及时性和/或课堂作业是否需要使用它们.
  • Consideration should be given to the potential for usage (FTE students, level of program, etc.).
  • 当一个标题被推荐添加到集合中时, 应考虑该主题领域的当前订阅.
  • Any serial subject to a significant increase in cost should be re-evaluated.
  • 丛书的购买不会仅仅是为了支持个别教员的个人研究.
  • Purchase of individual issues and scattered or incomplete files will be avoided.

Instructional 资源 Center

IRC工作人员致力于为KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载社区提供最好的课程资源. 该中心收藏了大量国家采用的教科书, teacher resource books, 以及图书馆的视听资料收藏. 我们有六台埃里森模切机,我们的客户使用它来创建500多种不同的形状和数字. The IRC also offers eight computer workstations for our patrons to utilize.  The IRC’s circulating collection contains a large collection of Coretta Scott King, Newbery Honor, and Caldecott Award-winning books. 我们也有大量的大书选择,帮助年轻的学生理解计数的基础知识, 拼写, and reading.  因为这种需要,也因为我们的赞助人可能会利用他们的学术准备在任何不同的情况下进行教学, an attempt is made to provide materials representing a broad spectrum of types and viewpoints.

支持阅读教学的材料, bilingual education, special education, 特别强调幼儿教育,以便为这些学科的硕士学位课程提供足够的支持.

教科书的选择代表了从幼儿园到12年级的所有科目. Mississippi State-adopted textbooks are collected on the schedule of the state. Once received the textbooks are 编目 and placed in the “Textbook- Reserve” shelves. The older editions are moved to the textbook shelves and may be checked out. 该政策是轮流废弃超过十年的版本.

Donations and Gifts

图书馆欢迎来自DSU和当地社区的捐赠. 以下程序为捐赠者和图书馆员工提供接受和处理捐赠资源的指导.

This policy concerns the donation of 物理 items to be added to the library’s collection. For monetary donations to the library or university, please visit the DSU Foundation site at or


From 8:00 am – 4:30 pm on Monday-Friday (or current regular business hours), 图书馆职员应指示捐赠人到技术服务部领取物品并签署捐赠表格. 任何有关捐款的问题,请联系技术服务部,电话:662-846-4438或


  • cd
  • Cassette tapes
  • Videocassettes
  • Periodicals

The library cannot guarantee that all donations will be added to the collection. 员工将审查所有捐赠的物品,并根据物品的物理状况和与收藏的相关性接受物品. 一旦放弃,捐赠就成为图书馆的财产.   On request, 技术服务部将编制一份资源清单,然后通过电子邮件发送给捐赠者,并附上一封确认信. The library cannot appraise the value of donated 资源 for tax purposes.


Appendix A - Liaisons By Department

Department 图书馆 Liaison Departmental Liaison
Accounting/Finance/CIS Mike Emerson Glendscene Williams
Ph. 846-4432 662-846-4183
图书馆 209 扫帚332
艺术 Michael Mounce Cetin Oguz
Ph. 846-4457 662-846-4720
图书馆 163 Holcomb-Norwood 253
Commercial Aviation Peter Dean Shaun Kelly
Ph. 846-4454 662-846-4205
图书馆 161 Gibson Gunn
Counselor 教育 and Psychology Michael Mounce Corlis Snow
Ph. 846-4457 662-846-4370
图书馆 163 尤因377
Delta 音乐 Institute 劳丽一. 墨金 Richard Tremmel
Ph. 662-846-4455 662-846-4579
图书馆 160 Whitfield 101
Family and Consumer Science Peter Dean Carolyn Bailey
Ph. 846-4454 662-846-4315
图书馆 161 尤因112
Geospatial Information 系统 Mike Emerson Talbot Brooks
Ph. 846-4432 Ph. 846-4520
图书馆 209 DSU Box 3325 KE Suite E
惠普 Peter Dean John Alvarez
Ph. 846-4454 Ph. 846-4564
图书馆 161 怀亚特108
Languages and Literature 劳丽一. 墨金 Steven Cowser
Ph. 662-846-4455 Ph. 846-4060
图书馆 160 Kethley 261
管理/市场营销/工商管理 Peter Dean Kent Wessinger
Ph. 846-4454 662-846-4190
图书馆 161 扫帚244
Math and Sciences 劳丽一. 墨金 Nina Baghai-Riding
Ph. 662-846-4455 Ph. 846-4797
图书馆 160 Caylor 239
音乐 劳丽一. 墨金 Shelley Collins
Ph. 662-846-4455 Ph. 846-4617
图书馆 160 Broom 204B
护理 劳丽一. 墨金 Vicki Bingham
Ph. 662-846-4455 Ph. 846-4268
图书馆 160 护理 105
Social Sciences and History Michael Mounce Charles Westmoreland
Ph. 846-4457 Ph. 846-4174
图书馆 163 Jobe 209
Social Work Michael Mounce Jana Donahoe
Ph. 846-4457 Ph. 846-4795
图书馆 163 Kethley 240
Speech and Hearing Sciences Peter Dean Gina Jenkins
Ph. 846-4454 Ph. 846-4110
图书馆 161 Kethley 123B
教师教育、领导和研究 Mike Emerson Corlis Snow
Ph. 846-4432 662-846-4370
图书馆 209 尤因377

Appendix C - Order Form

要访问订单,请单击绿色大按钮. 它将在您的浏览器中打开一个新选项卡,在那里您将被要求登录您的帐户.edu email and password. After that, 如果要对库进行批量请求,则可以选择下载电子表格, or you can use the rest of the order form to request an individual title.

Appendix D - 最后期限


  • Departmental Liaisons
    • November 1st
  • 图书馆 Liaisons
    • November 15th